If you notice an action or behavior which you believe is a violation, the first step is to identify which entity should receive your allegation of violation.
– If it involves a wetlands area, the correct entity is Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) sometimes called “Swift Mud.”
– If it involves wildlife, the correct entity is Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).
– If it involves noise disturbances, abandoned vehicles, criminal nuisance activities, building without a required permit, etc. the correct entity is Manatee County Code Enforcement.
– If it involves trespassing, including on our community trails, the correct entity is the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office
– If you are a member of our HOA and the matter involves your own direct observation of a potential violation of the deed restrictions outlined in our Declaration of Covenants, the correct entity to contact is the HOA:
- Do not rely on the rumors or hearsay when you bring a matter to the HOA.
- Cite the article and section of our Declaration, By-Laws, or Rules & Regulations which you believe is being violated.
- Explain the adverse impact the alleged violation is having on you and/or other members.
- Indicate the remedy which you would like us to consider.
You can either present the matter in person at a noticed meeting during an open member forum, send us a signed letter to our office address at 8429 Lorraine Rd STE 332, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202, or send an email to pantherridgetrails@gmail.com along with your name and contact information.
When an alleged violation of mandatory standards is presented by a Member requesting enforcement and the allegation is found to be valid, the HOA should enforce the applicable covenant upon the Tract. To avoid selective enforcement, Tracts with substantially the same violation of the same covenant should also be enforced upon. Tracts with violations of the same covenant but which are causing substantially less adverse impact than the Tract subject to any Member complaint may be excluded from immediate enforcement. For example, violations which are more concealed, involve a lower quantity of the item in violation, or occur farther from the front boundary line would have less adverse impact and therefore are substantially different.